Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Tuesday 12th March
Cape Le Grand National Park was our destination this morning. On the way we saw several large hedges composed of Banksias, a few of which were still flowering.

Our first view of Lucky Bay was a sudden contrast of the white beach and turquoise sea against the dark green landscape.

We walked along the beach which was mostly covered by a thick carpet of plant material that looked like shredded paper. Kangaroos come to bask here but today there were none though we did see one by the side of the road on the way.

As we were having our picnic lunch there were several honey eaters in the shrubs next to us.

Frenchman Peak is one of a chain of large granite and gneiss outcrops in the park.

On our way back we stopped to admire some of the many islands off this coast which is called the Bay of Islands.

A new place of interest in this area is Esperance Stonehenge, a full sized replica of the original as it would have looked around 1950 BC. The stones are made of Esperance pink granite from the local quarry. It is aligned with the summer solstice sunrise.

Not far from town is Pink Lake, one of a series of shallow lakes coloured by mineral eating algae.

This may be the last Blog post for a number of days as we are heading out onto the Nullabor Plain where any kind of communications are limited.

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