Sunday, 17 March 2013

Sunday 17th March
After visiting the local monthly Sunday market, we drove out of Kalgoorlie to explore the road to the West. For the whole of our journey the water pipeline that supplies the city ran parallel with the road. The water comes from a reservoir just outside Perth 650km away and takes a week to flow to this area. It is over ground rather than buried so that leaks are easier to locate and repair.

Just off the road we visited all that remains of Woolgangie. This was once a busy rest stop on the way to the goldfields where about a hundred horses and many people would stop each evening.

We did eventually manage to find some camels but these are on a camel farm

We have seen several of these agave plants and the flower on this one reaches a height of about eighteen feet. We have read that the plants were used as fencing to keep the animals in and the predators out.

On our journey out and back we passed through Coolgardie which has a remarkably wide main street.

This might be our last post for some time since tomorrow we are setting out into the real outback for three or four days.

1 comment:

Pete Bell said...

Be careful in the outback - many have gone out and not come back! More fabulous photos and a great travelogue. Will read the next post in California. Hope our sojourn is half as exotic as yours. Keep up the good work.