Friday, 21 September 2012

Friday 21st September
Today we travelled into Olympic National Park and the road ran by the very edge of Lake Crescent for 15 miles.

We continued further to Hoh Rain Forest. We hiked several of their trails for a couple of miles, exploring the rainforest from ground level.

We first walked through the old growth area where most of the trees were covered in hanging moss.

This sinister tree appeared to have a figure pointing their finger into the deep forest.

Many of the trees had roots that had grown on a 'nurse log' and here the old log has rotted away completely.

Some of the trees looked as if they were full of people.

We sat for some time by the side of the Hoh River just enjoying the peace and tranquility of that place.

There were many beautiful fungi on the rotting trees by the side of the path.

We can understand why there have been many sightings of Bigfoot in this area.

Towards the end of the trail newer areas of rainforest are beginning to develop.

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