Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Wednesday 14th March
Today's drive took us through many forests, some are reserves and others are used for logging so we saw a few very large logging trucks.

In one area we saw trees we thought were in leaf but found that they were charred remains from what must have been an extensive forest fire and they were covered with creepers.

We took a detour by the side of the Snowy River which was very swollen due to last week's rainfall on the tops of the Snowy Mountains.

The fields near the river were awash but it was clear that the water was receding as the road we were on had recently been flooded. Part of the road we planned to travel tomorrow to Canberra has been washed away and will take months to repair. The detour will add 2 hours to our journey.

The bird feeders in the garden at our motel are attracting birds that we have seen flying around but have not been able to photograph before.

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