Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Wednesday 18th February
We visited a craft centre where we talked to a weaver and then wallked around the arboretum in Ashburton. We drove to Geraldine, a small town with an interesting museum. There are lots of forests around here and we saw many timber lorries so timber is obviously a big industry round here.

We arrived at Oamaru in the late afternoon and went to the beach viewing area for the y ellow-eyed penguins but we didn't see any, just lots of other birds and some fur seals.

Down by the docks a disused jetty was absolutely packed with cormorants.

This town was once an important port and has some very fine old buildings, including this theatre on the High Street.

At sunset we went to view the blue penguins returning from their day's fishing. Half an hour before sunset we saw the cormorants fly past in a steady stream and about 10 minutes later the first of the penguins arrived. In all over 50 crossed in front of us going to their burrows where the young made alot of noise. No photography was allowed.

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