Friday, 13 February 2009

Friday 13th February
It was still raining when we left Hanmer Springs and we were amazed at the change in the previously dry river beds. The river was much wider and in some places running very fast. This is the most rain they have had since September 2008.

Just north of Christchurch we stopped for a break at Amberley Beach which was completely deserted. There were huge piles of driftwood all along the shore and large stands of pine trees behind.

In Christchurch we walked down into town, past the park and visited Canterbury Museum. There we saw this replica of Fred and Myrtle's paua shell house which is well known in New Zealand. They decorated their living room with these shells and over a million people had visited it.

At the same museum we both had a 'ride' on a penny farthing.

From the museum we walked into the centre of town and crossed the Avon River where we watched someone filming a scene in a punt.

We are staying in Christchurch for four nights as there seems to be a lot to do and see here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

'This is the most rain they have had since September 2008' hardly a record really!! Heh 4 and a half months!! :)