Sunday, 2 March 2014

Sunday 2nd March
We spent today exploring The Forgotten World Highway, New Zealand's oldest heritage trail which runs for 150km from Taumarunui to Stratford.

The route is particularly known for it's native bush which is very green and lush.

12km of the route is unsealed and passes through the Tangarakau Gorge which is Podocarp forest.

There was a prosperous coal mining industry in this area which led to roads being opened up and this tunnel was built in 1936. It is known locally as The Hobbit's Hole.

The high points offer spectacular views of the surrounding landscape.

On the tops of some hillsides are the remnants of old forests.

It was lovely and peaceful with very few other vehicles but this aeroplane appeared several times and seemed to be spraying something over the trees.

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