Sunday, 21 February 2016

Sunday 21st February
Today we explored the airport side of 'the Rock'. The first place that we headed for was the Moorish Castle which can be seen inside the walls, above the apartments.

We knew that we would have to climb up some steps but didn't realise how many - 330.

On the way we saw this set of steps that has been converted into a road.

At last we reached the castle which was rebuilt in 1300 and has withstood ten sieges by different invaders.

It was here that we saw our first group of Barbary apes.

From the castle rooftop you can see where we climbed next. Turn right at the corner and up again for about a mile.

Our destination was the Great Siege Tunnels which were built during the Napoleonic period and further extended during WW2.

There are many cannon openings which give great views. Here we are looking over the graveyard, sports grounds and airport into Spain.

This is the end of the tunnels on the opposite side of the rock. The engineers only stopped tunnelling in 1968 and they were still used by the British Military until the early 70's.

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