Saturday, 15 February 2014

Saturday 15th February
Yesterday we picked up a copy of the local walking trails at the Visitor's Centre. Today we followed two of the trails and walked across town to the estuary which faces Mt. Maunganui, an extinct volcano.

The varied trails led us from the coast through the container port and back into town.

This huge stone is one of a pair that the early Maori settlers brought here in their boats to form a link with their homeland.

This is an original Waka (Maori boat) which is displayed near the modern Fishermen's Wharf.

These carved figures represent the Pleiades - Seven Sisters cluster of stars.

We spent most of the afternoon by the beach looking out across the Bay of Plenty.

Our last visit was to the ice cream shop we visited 5 years ago and we can confirm that the ice cream is just as good.

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