Sunday, 17 March 2019

Sunday 17th March

The afternoon was sunny but windy so the riverside at Knaresborough seemed the perfect choice for a walk.

The rocks provide shelter and the sun shines across the road here.

The river was flowing very fast and we saw people studying at the edges of their lawns. Many have small walls or barriers of some kind at the river's edge.

This kingfisher is one of the best tree trunk carvings that we have seen.

The Chapel of Our Lady of the Crag is a 'Marian' shrine dedicated to the Virgin Mary and her son, Jesus Christ. The Chapel was built by someone known as 'John the Mason' in 1408. The bank had been washed away and volunteers were replanting large sections.

The House in the Rock was created between 1770 and 1786 by mining into the magnesium limestone and using the quarried stone to build with. The castellations were added later and the views must be superb.

We didn't discover what was happening here and those involved seemed too focused for any spectators to interrupt the proceedings.

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