Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Wednesday 20th Feb
We went up to the Skydeck this morning to relax for a couple of hours and took these photos of the Gardens by the Bay.


In the afternoon we began our walk in the gardens and looked back at our hotel. Our room is in the tower on the right hand side.

We walked by the lake and couldn't miss the "Sci-fi supertrees" which have live plants growing up the sides of the structures.

The first conservatory that we explored is called "The Flower Dome" and houses plants from Mediterranean type climate zones. The very modern design had an interior that was much bigger than we expected.

At the exit there were huge interactive screens that demonstrated the effect that human action has on different habitats.

The second conservatory is called "The Cloud Forest" and contains a huge planted structure depicting the rare cloud forests that are found in tropical regions.

After ascending to the top you follow a trail of aerial walkways around the summit and then gradually descend.

After dinner we returned to the Skydeck to enjoy a good view of the gardens lit up at night.

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