Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Wednesday 3rd March
Last night was warm and still. Dinner was served in the open air with a live group who played and sang songs from all over the world. After dinner we walked on the terrace and the moon lit up the ocean.

This morning we found a shady area on the beach terrace and watched the traders and reef guides negotiating with our fellow guests. These camels are the local equivalent of beach donkeys and come with the same bells.

Low tide came mid-morning and we walked out in the clear warm waters. Just after breakfast we had seen a lot of the life on the reef and in the rock pools with some local guides; sea cucumbers, sea spiders, hermit crabs, colourful fishes and sea urchins.

When the tide was at its lowest the fishermen drew nets around the deepest pool and splashed at the open side. We presume that this was to drive the fish into their net.

We ended the day watching the 5 Colobus monkeys feed and play at the edge of our garden. There are also baboons, brown and black monkeys here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We valso fancied dinner oiutside yesterday, but the freezing snow was a little off-putting! Talking of putting....
Great blog, really fascinating.