Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Friday 12th June
After meeting Christine for lunch in Weybridge, we drove to Wisley in Surrey, the main RHS garden. Last time we were here this area was a building site. Now there is a large lake and enormous glasshouses featuring plants from a range of temperature zones.


The flowers were in full bloom and the whole place looked looked and smelled wonderful.

The headquarters are housed in this lovely building and the water lillies were just coming into flower.

Saturday 13th June
Today we explored the village of Henfield during their festival of arts.
Rachael had accepted an invitation to produce a sculptural display. She chose to create a flock of birds in Brick Lane.

This shows how she sewed stamps together which she then folded into origami birds. These reflect the history of the village because in 1660 Colonel Henry Bishop, a resident of Henfield, was appointed by Charles II as the first Postmaster General. He introduced the system of franking stamps.

Chanctonbury Ring Morris Men performed traditional Cotswold dances at different venues in the village.

We walked around and visited many lovely private gardens which were open just for the weekend and where people were serving refreshments or selling local art and crafts. The money raised supported many different charities.

Sunday 14th June
We visited some more gardens and toured the town twice in this 1934 Riley sports car, belonging to and driven by Rob, Michael's dad. It was a real treat and we enjoyed the attention that it drew.

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