Monday, 19 January 2009

Monday 19th January
Travelled to downtown Houston. All very quiet because it is Martin Luther King Day which is like a Bank Holiday. The wind was so strong at one point near the river that we were almost blown off our feet at the street corner.

We wallked across town to Discovery Green Park where there were lots of families, an ice rink, a pool, fountains and this unusual sculpture.

Further on was a shelter made from recycled number plates and wing mirrors. Everything in the park is eco-friendly. There was lots of building work going on in the area.

We explored the Tunnel system which is underground streets with shops, cafes and other businesses. In some places there are skywalks which are bridges that connect buildings as well as the Tunnel system.

Back at the hotel we walked down to the nearby shops and you can see that the locals here don't do much walking as the sidewalk is very overgrown.

1 comment:

Pete Bell said...

Hi Alan and Glenys.
It must have been some experience being in the U.S.A. on MLK day. Just watched Obama's inaugural speech - hugely impressive. Your weather is rather better than the cold and rain here - wish I was back in the Caribbean!
Pete Bell