Monday, 23 April 2012

Sunday 22nd April
This afternoon we went to Harlow Carr and enjoyed the display by the Harrogate Orchid Society in the new building.

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Tuesday 10th April
Today we went to Dacre Banks with our U3A walking Group for a five mile circular walk.

Friday, 6 April 2012

Thursday 5th April
Today we set out on another of our circular walks, starting at Markington.

Part of the route took us past Markenfield Hall which is only open to the public for a few days each year.

From the highest point we had lovely views of the snow covered hills in the distance.

Further on we could see Ripon down in the next valley.

On the return section of the route we came across this pond, edged with marsh marigolds, in the corner of one of the fields.

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Sunday 1st April
We set off this afternoon for a six mile circular walk starting and finishing at South Stainley, between Harrogate and Ripon.

The route led us through some lovely farmland.

Two thirds of the way around we passed through the centre of the village of Markington.

This large pond, just a bit further on is on the site of a medieval village.