I took photos of all angles in Dealey Plaza and from the grassy knoll. This one shows the Texas Book Depository and the window from which Lee Harvey Oswald shot Kennedy. The white mark on the kerb is the exact spot where this happened.
After spending several informative hours in, the JFK museum on the 6th floor of the depository (no photographs as we were not allowed to take them), we went to see the JFK memorial nearby.
In the early afternoon we visited the Dallas Museum of Art with exhibits from all over the world. It was showing a fascinating display of frescoes from the towns destroyed by Vesuvius. We were not allowed to take photos inside here either so here is a photo of Glenys outside.
Just opposite the Museum of Art, we visited the Nasher Sculpture Park (lots of culture today!). There was a good variety of modern American sculpture with the odd piece by Europeans (Hepworth, Giacometti, Picasso, Henry Moore & Rodin).